Tuesday 2 May 2017



Why should the thought, 'I am a peaceful soul', be any more beneficial to me than the thought, 'I am a body'? In the previous lesson
it was mentioned that this thought allows me to become detached
from the role that I play. It is important to understand what is
meant by this word 'detached'. It does not mean distant or inward-
looking to the point of isolation, where there is a breakdown in
communication. Neither does it mean that I become an uncaring
observer of what is going on. It simply means to have the consciousness of being an actor. I play my part with great enthusiasm
and love, but I do not let the expectations, burdens and worries of
outside situations or other people affect my own understanding of
who I am; a peaceful being. In fact, the word most often used in
conjunction with 'detached' is 'loving'. By being aware of myself as
a soul, I experience my natural qualities so that the feelings I associate with detachment are not of distaste or lack of concern, but of
peace, love and happiness.

How can soul-consciousness help me improve my attitude towards
myself and others? We often have the habit of comparing ourselves
to others, seeing ourselves in the light of what we consider to be
their merits or demerits. This can sometimes lead to a feeling of
hopelessness, self-criticism and other equally negative states of
mind. Through the experience of soul-consciousness, I come to
realize my own worth and stop comparing myself with others. Self-criticism is overcome as I experience my true positive qualities and
nature. This leads not to a feeling of superiority, but to a feeling of stability and self confidence. Doubts are replaced by a deeper faith in myself.

If I understand that I am a peaceful soul, I understand that others
must also be that. Through this awareness, I will be able to relate
to them on purely equal terms, that is, with what can be called the
vision of brotherhood. Sometimes actions are totally opposed to
this. Someone may get angry with me and I feel threatened, replying sharply in return. Thus a heated argument can develop. This is
a reflection of body-consciousness. Instead of primarily seeing the
other as a peaceful soul, playing a part, I am seeing the part and
thinking it is the other's true nature.

If, instead, I have the determined thought to see others as souls, I
will respond very differently to their anger. I will see their anger as
being something temporary and not intrinsic to their true nature.
Instead of reacting angrily or being defensive, I will actually
become detached or even giving. I can put myself, quite naturally,
into the position of being able to help them. I will recognize that
their anger is only to do with their own confusion. This positive
attitude acts as protection for me; I then don t feel under attack. In
addition, my stable, calm reaction will help to defuse the situation.

There are other ways in which soul-consciousness can help me to
help others. One cannot give what one doesn't have oneself. When friends come to us in distress, often the most we can do is give sympathy. Although this is reassuring, it is not necessarily very helpful.
When in trouble, what people need most is power and clarity. The situation has caused weakness and confusion in their minds, making it difficult for them to see things clearly. If my reaction and suggestions to them are not only sympathetic, but also filled with
peace, power and practicality, they can take away with them not only comfort, but something which will be of positive value in
helping them to solve their problems. A strong and uncluttered mind is needed for this.

Soul-consciousness also allows me to be natural in the company of
others. This easiness on my part helps them to relax, as they don't feel that I have expectations of them. With soul-consciousness I aim only to see the good in others, to see not just apparent virtues, but hidden ones as well. This, in turn, helps others to realize their own
positive virtues and specialties. A deepening love and respect for other souls naturally develops as I recognize my spiritual kinship
with them. There is the realization that we are all part of one global family, sharing one world, one home.

Meditation is being in the awareness of my natural qualities. It is not a difficult thing. Neither is it something that I impose on
myself. I can't force myself to meditate. In fact the more hard effort I put in, the less likely I am to experience anything. Too much hard
concentration will create a headache and, instead of refreshment and relaxation, there will be tension.

The first step is simply to relax. Many people would consider being
able to relax at will as quite an achievement in itself. In meditation,
once I become relaxed, the worries and stress of everyday life dissolve away and the mind is free to explore gentle themes. My world is a creation of my own mind. This is why I fill my thoughts with Soul-consciousness; thinking about peace helps me to experience peace.

The more relaxed I am, the deeper that pleasant, restful feeling
becomes, until I have reached a powerful state of meditation,
enjoying the quietness which is emerging from within. As I
progress, meditation becomes much more than a relaxation technique.
the object is not just relaxation; it is to become a peaceful
person, to fill myself completely with peace. The experience of
peace, gained through simple relaxation, is a mere drop compared
to the ocean of peace, in which I can lose myself through meditation.

I keep my thoughts or themes very simple in meditation; just two
or three carefully chosen ones are enough. I repeat them gently,
giving myself plenty of time to explore the feelings behind them,
for example, "Peace is just like sinking into a feather mattress...',
'Lightness is like floating on a cloud...' , 'Love is a warm, golden
glow inside my mind...'.

As I become more and more engrossed in such thoughts and experiences, I feel myself gradually letting go of all worldly thoughts and
tensions, until I become light and free.

Now I have become soul-conscious, aware of my true nature. It is
this lightness of consciousness which I want to bring into my
everyday life, so that, whatever problems and obstacles come in
front of me, I deal with them easily and effectively.

For the next few days just take up two or three simple themes or
phrases, such as, 'I am a Peaceful soul', 'I am a being of light and
love, spreading these feelings to others and the world' and 'I am
a subtle point of consciousness, so different from the physical body'. Repeat these thoughts gently to yourself, allowing them to sink in more and more deeply until your thoughts and your feelings match each other When this happens, the tension between what you think you should be doing and what you actually are
doing disappears, and the soul feels content and full. In addition, practice seeing others as souls, seeing beyond the Part to the actor who is playing the part.


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